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At Brampton Evangelistic Ministry we have several departments which serve both the local church and our local community

Prayer & Evangelism
Young Visionaries Ministry

A very powerful ministry which uplifts the whole man. We are here to encourage each other to take time daily in fellowship and communicate with God through prayer. We meet every other Friday from 12AM for all night prayer service.

Our Youth Department (Young Visionaries) meets every Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm to study and discuss the word of God. Through various team activities and collaboration, we encourage each other to be confident in our relationship with the Lord which is an extremely important component in Discipleship. We'd love for you to join us at our Youth service.

Ladies Department

Our ladies department is called Women of Choice. In our meetings,the ladies get together once a month for times of fellowship and social activities.

Music Ministry

Our music department consists of anointed singers and musicians that give their gifts back to GOD as they lead His people into worship.


Come worship with us every Sunday morning at 11:05 am and experience our dynamic worship service.

Christian Education Department

Our main source of acquiring knowledge and understanding is through the medium of teaching. In the secular world learning is of great importance and how much more in the Church of God. We at BEM embrace education,  therefore we see the need of enriching others  through Christian education.


This department covers a vast array of the church such as Sunday School, Children’s Ministry, Bible Study, Leadership Training and vacation Bible School. The Christian education department main goal is to teach moral and positive lessons that will help in developing each individual and prepare them for the coming of the Lord.


At BEM mission is a very integral part in our setting. Our function is to reach out to the congregration and community through different avenues, such as hosting revivals, prayer breakfast, supporting world vision through sponsorship, sponsoring a missionary of youth for Christ, reaching the men through special Father’s Day function, established a helping hand program and comfort the bereaved through visits and prayer.

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